• on August 12, 2023


Isaiah 40:31

             In reference to the nations the prophet declares they are puny and powerless in Yahweh’s sight and in relation to Him (Isaiah 40:15). He is not an extension or a part of any nation or island. He is shown as above and apart from, superior to any nation or nation group. He is independent of anything or anyone. The observation to be made is straightforward. The prophet contends that “Before Him all nations are as nothing; they are regarded by Him as worthless and less than nothing (40:17).

            That He can arrange Israel’s deliverance through Cyrus is a simple matter for the Almighty to effect (44.28). Just like He used Babylon to punish Israel, He can just as easily use Cyrus to punish Babylon and release the captive Judahites. The folly of comparing God to the gods of the captors is exposed in Isaiah 40.

            The imagery of creation also speaks to the fact of Yahweh being the “Incomparable” One. In fact, this is the next rhetorical question presented in our passage – “To whom then will you compare God? What image will you compare Him to?” (40:18). The foolish insanity of idol-making and idol-worshipping is another concept that is shown as a frivolous waste of time and energy. It is mere insanity to compare those useless idols with the one true and living God. For humanity to set up idols that they have made and then turn around and worship them is beyond ludicrous.

            The idea of Yahweh’s incomparability is again revisited in verse 25. In this instance, our God is revealed as being creator of the constellations, the starry hosts. He not only created them, but He knows the millions of them by name. The prophet states it this way, “Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that He is strong in power; not one faileth” (v26).

            All we can declare today, considering such knowledge is “What a God!” This is the answer given to the pitiable plight of the exiles as they queried and complained “My way is hidden from the Lord, my cause is disregarded by my God, (v27). The prophet imparts this information to remind these disillusioned and despondent exiles that Yahweh is the everlasting God who is the creator of the ends of the earth, is neither tired nor grows weary.

            The blessed truth is He gives strength to the weary and increases power to the weak. Even young people grow tired and weary. They stumble and fall. However, “They that hope (wait, trust, believe) in the Lord shall renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint” (40:28-31). The tired exiles can afford to trust Yahweh and return to their homeland. That same God, that repatriated these weary exiles, will bring us safely home. He will strengthen, deliver and restore.

            Today what a word of comfort for us, His migrant church. Like many of the Jews in Babylonian captivity, you may feel forsaken, abandoned and forgotten. However, this word is sent to encourage and comfort you today. Remember God’s words stands forever (v8). We wilt and wither, but He abides faithful. His strong hands will protect and uphold you (vv9-11). He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs (v.11). He is the Incomparable one who will forgive, redeem, and restore. Yes, He will divinely renew your strength, even today (v31). Divine intervention is about to take place on a dramatic scale. Your Strength Renewed!

Leroy V. Greenaway

Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region

August 12, 2023


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