• on April 22, 2023


Esther 4:16

            Queen Esther eventually said in essence – I don’t care what the law says. This law, this edict which was sent out to destroy the people of God just wasn’t right. Then she determined, “I’m going to see the king” which was not according to the law. She was supposed to wait until she was summoned to come into the king’s presence, but the moment had come when her mind was made up and the decision had to be made, which would forever seal her fate and that of her people. With steely resolve, she declared “. . . and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish” (v 4:16).

            She had found something worth fighting for. She had discovered her true purpose and reason for being and she was willing to die for the cause. She had identified a reason bigger than herself, to live and die for. May God help us indeed to come to that realization. How meaningful and significant are the words, “. . . if I perish, I perish.”

            It is wonderful to live and to live luxuriously and abundantly, but I also think that the Word of God is challenging us today to find true life by finding a cause for which we are willing to die. Could it be that this is when we truly begin to live and find real life, when we are willing to give up our lives sacrificially on behalf of those we are called to represent and passionately defend.

            Queen Esther had gotten to the point where she was willing to give up her life, so that the lives of her people might be spared. She was made to realize that it was indeed specifically for this purpose she was brought to the palace and a place of elevated prominence in the kingdom. Can we ever forget the sobering words of her God-fearing uncle Mordecai to her “. . . and who knoweth whether thou are come to the kingdom for such a time as this” (v14).

            We are consistently challenged to keep this question in the forefront of our minds as we are favored by the Almighty to be strategically positioned to serve and function where we presently are. A word of caution is so urgent here. Mordecai forcefully hammered this truth home to the Queen. He warned her “. . . think not with thyself that you shalt escape in the king’s house more than all the Jews” (v13). He strongly reminded her not to fool herself. He informed her, if the Jews perish, she too would perish with them. It was a reality she could not escape.

            Today, many years later, we still marvel at Queen Esther’s response. Esther never forgot who she was, whose she was and why she was where she was. It was to serve a greater purpose! It was to serve her God and her people. It was to salvage, rescue and preserve many people, her own people alive – to ensure her people were not senselessly slaughtered and snuffed out by a pernicious enemy. Her mission was formidable and daunting but Esther, the queen, settled it in her spirit. She reasoned, this may cost me my life, but if I die, fighting for such a noble cause, then it surely would not have been in vain, “. . . if I perish, I perish!” She became resigned to the fact that this may involve death.

            Church our witness for Christ here in this Region and beyond, may cost us our lives, but may our minds be resolutely made up like Esther. This is worth fighting for! Saving our families and the lives of our loved ones is worth it! This is indeed a most worthy cause! Esther’s reasoning was, if I don’t go, the implication is worse! We cannot let them die! Somebody must stand up for them and what is right! If we don’t go, the risk is greater. Esther somehow remembered, this was not only about her, but it was also about her people. It is no longer about you, but about your children, your offspring, your family, the entire community, the wider nation. If I perish, I perish!

Leroy V. Greenaway 

Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region

April 22nd, 2023

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