• on April 23, 2022


John 12:2

I find this passage most thought-provoking, fraught with meaning and substance, for our reflection and edification, as we willfully continue to celebrate the glorious fact that He is risen. It fills us with great joy that He continually makes His presence felt and known among us, as we, by His grace, continue to function in these last days. His gracious presence in our midst, assures us daily of victory.

John 12 takes place not long after the phenomenal resurrection of Lazarus – just before the actual beginning of holy week, culminating in the death, burial and resurrection of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. John tells us that Jesus returned to Bethany, “where Lazarus was which had been dead, whom he raised from the dead” (John 12:1). He then informs the readers that “There they made him a supper…” (v2). This family decided to have a meal, a celebration in Jesus’ honor. Too often after He has done miraculous things for us, we fail to honor Him, to truly honor Him as He deserves.

As the blessed people of God in these parts, I truly want to remind us not to forget to honor Him this Sunday after Easter and every Sunday after. In fact, I truly believe that every service we have, every meeting of the saints, every program we put together should be held and conducted in Jesus’ honor. It’s because of Him we live, move, and have our beings. It’s because of Him, life has been given new meaning and is now worth living. How He has transformed and revolutionized the landscape and trajectory of our lives! What a difference knowing Him has made! He has literally performed miracles for us and our loved ones! Glory to His name1

          When all hope was literally gone and the enemy powers of darkness thought that we could never rise again, Jesus stepped in and put us back on our feet, disappointing our enemies, refusing to allow us to be destroyed. He indisputably raised us, forever changing our identity and our destiny. If this is not a cause for perpetual celebration, then nothing else is! Like Martha, we need to bring out our best chinaware! Like Mary, we need to bring out our best, most expensive perfume. May we always bow in humble adoration at his feet, anointing and crowning Him as King of kings and Lord of lords. He simply deserves our best devotion, worship, sacrifice and service. It is crucial that we understand that He, our sovereign Lord, Master, and Redeemer – deserves our best always!

         Note in this dinner held in Jesus’s honor, you had a multitude of people coming together, all touched by Jesus in various ways. It reminds us that, this is what church is all about – multitudes of people coming together touched by Jesus in various of ways. However, Jesus remains the focal point, the main attraction, the center of attention. Though Lazarus had somehow now been elevated to the rank of celebrity status, because of him being raised from the dead, we prominently keep in mind that he would have remained a buried corpse without Jesus. We are all so dead, useless, and obsolete without Him.

         We are so grateful for the miracles individually, and as family units, but we forever keep in mind that the miracles all point to Him, the source and giver of all miracles. He always deserves our best gifts. We live our lives in honor of Jesus! Like this notable family of John 12, we come together again to have the best celebration ever in honor of Jesus!

Leroy V. Greenaway

Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region

April 17, 2022

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