• on November 18, 2023


1 Chronicles 29:13 

       May I begin this short reflection today by quoting from one of my favorite authors. I find it very sobering that just before he departs this life he pens “. . . our days on earth are as a shadow and there is none abiding” (1 Chronicles 29:15). Honestly, before you know it, our time is up. I earnestly pray that before the curtain is drawn, we shall have indeed fulfilled our destiny – the true purpose for which we were born. I desperately desire to put my time in, to make sure that I serve with a true and perfect heart, recognizing that it is only that which is done for Christ will last and stand the test of time.  

It was also in this context David poignantly stated in earnest prayer and praise to God – “Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name” (1 Chronicles 29:13). Sometimes, that’s all it takes, simple words of praise and gratitude to God for the multitude of blessings that He has so graciously imparted to us throughout the course of our short pilgrimages through this barren land. Somebody testified “As I look back over my life and think things over, I can truly say that I’ve been blessed, I have a testimony.” We just don’t only have a testimony, but the sacrifice of thanksgiving should flow always from us to Him. David kept it simple! “. . . Our God, we thank thee and praise thy glorious name (13). David expressed praise and thanksgiving routinely. 

During this thanksgiving holiday and season may this become a real mantra and anthem for us – Lord, we thank you and praise thy glorious name. The fact is so many times we become distracted, forgetful and ungrateful when confronted and afflicted by the trials of present circumstances. We often forget the broader picture, the grander scheme, the overarching context – the constancy of His abiding love. It is often overlooked that “Tough times won’t last but Tough people will.” That even in this we will survive, and the God of glory shall again bring us through and successfully to the end. Therefore, like David we declare “. . . Our God, we thank thee and praise thy glorious name. We pause to praise! 

This is undeniably one theme the reader finds preeminently consistent in David’s life – that of a robust thanksgiving. It seems built into the very fabric of his life. From the rigors of the sheepfold to the luxuries of the palace, thanksgiving exudes from his lips and characterizes every phase of his most colorful life. 

In spite of all of his ups and downs, David refuses to become unthankful. So often we fail to keep in mind that before deliverance comes He is God, and after deliverance transpires, He is still God and in the miracle of deliverance He is still supernaturally God and present in all our trials. No wonder David boisterously makes the declaration “O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good: for His mercy endureth forever” (Psalm 136:1). His heart overflowed with gratitude! So should ours! 

God forbid that we should just be thankful in this month of November. For us thanksgiving is never a season or a service, but an uninterrupted lifestyle. We daily choose to thank and praise Him. We boisterously thank and praise His glorious name. Seeing how short our lives are, we are more determined than ever to live lives of praise and gratitude! Lord, we thank thee!  

Leroy V. Greenaway

Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region

November 18th, 2023 

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