• on August 17, 2024


Psalm 37:4 

Psalm 37! What an enlightening and encouraging Psalm. There we find great nuggets with which to edify and nourish the soul. It sets the record straight about the wicked and evildoers which seem to prosper and excel but get this, it’s only for a while! They soon perish and fade away! So often, we are misled into thinking that they are better off, and they have received the best of the bargain. However, we are informed that this is not so.

The writer forcefully debunks the myth that evildoers perennially prosper. From the outset he unequivocally declares “Fret not thyself because of evildoers . . .” Then he further cautions “neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity” (v1). We are cautioned neither to fret nor to be envious of the perpetrators of evil.

All our faulty notions about the uninterrupted prosperity of the wicked are solidly addressed and thoroughly corrected. He hastens to tell us “For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb” (v2). He pointedly tells the reader about the fate of the wicked more specifically in verses 9 – 15. Unquestionably, it’s not good. He paints an exceedingly bleak picture of how things unfold for the wicked evildoer. They eventually crash and burn. 

He reveals “For evildoers shall be cut off . . .” (v9). He discloses “For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be” (v10). He divulges “The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming” (v13). He graphically uncovers for us the real truth concerning those who are bent on giving themselves over to perform evil. It cannot be overlooked “But the wicked shall perish . . .” (v20). Let us never be deceived into thinking that evildoers and the wicked go unchecked and unpunished. That’s simply not in keeping with divine truth as presented in Holy Scripture.

Now as much as this Scripture, Psalm 37, speaks much about the fate of the ungodly, it has more to do with the righteous and how much more beneficial and uplighting it is to serve God and to do good. It powerfully exhorts the reader to counteract evil and wicked by trusting in the Lord and doing good. As opposed to committing evil and engaging in a lifestyle of darkness, we are literally called upon to “Trust in the Lord and do good . . .” (3).  The benefits derived are indescribable. It produces benefits now and overflows with benefits in the hereafter. The Psalmist contends “. . . so shall we dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture” (v3). 

It tells us “Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart” (v4). I strongly believe it is high time for us to change our perspective and demeanor. So many believers today walk around in doom, gloom and despair. They have forgotten the delightful benefits of joyfully serving God. They therefore unfortunately walk around fretfully and in depression. They have forgotten how delightful it is to serve the risen Savior. They unwisely envy the wicked contrary to the command of Scripture. The wicked shall be adequately compensated in due time. Let’s go back to trusting God and delightfully doing good as we continue patiently serving. Serving him should be delightful and most enjoyable.  He will give us the desires of our hearts (v4).


Leroy V. Greenaway

Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region 

August 17th, 2024

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