When life begins to misbehave and act up, it can really cause us to respond as Jacob responded when he received news about Joseph’s alleged death. It was so emotionally devastating that the Scriptures inform us, he was uncontrollably inconsolable. We are told that “he rent his clothes, and put on sackcloth upon his loins, and mourned for his son many days” (Gen. 37:35). We can only imagine what he must have felt. Maybe it’s only those who have gone through the experience of having lost a child who can somewhat fathom what this suffering father must have experienced, the depth of his pain and the stark darkness of his soul. We can only imagine and then try to empathize.
In the next verse, it becomes even more graphic and intense as we are informed “All of his sons and daughters rose up to comfort him; but he refused to be comforted; and he said, For I will go down unto my grave unto my son mourning. Thus did his father mourn for him” (37:35). Undoubtedly life can get unspeakably hard. It can literally bring us to our knees. It can so beat up on us and strip us bare, that nothing said or done can be used to lift or cheer us. It can viciously slay us and oftentimes blindside us. You can almost see the extreme torture of his soul, completely mangled and consumed by grief – refusing to be comforted. We can all get there!
You can get so depressed and overwhelmed by the circumstances of life that you refuse to be comforted. One can literally get to the point of not wanting to live. The impression is more than given that Jacob no longer really wanted to live. He readily spoke of going down to his grave mourning over Joseph. Human words seemed vain and failed to console or bring any relief to his wounded soul. Death really appeared as the more attractive option at this point.
However, thank God, that by God’s grace and providence, Jacob did not die! He pulled through! He lived through the pain and brokenness. How tragic it would have been if he had died at that point. It was indescribably terrible what he had to face and endure, nevertheless, the time came, when God in His awesome majesty, orchestrated the most amazing turnaround for Jacob (Gen. 45:28). Church, may we never forget that He is the divine turner of all our tragic circumstances! We are constantly reminded to hold on – Joy comes in the Morning! Refuse to die in the misery. Live through it!
I am so reminded that God can bring light back into the bleakest of our circumstances. He causes light to reappear. He dries the weeping eyes. He lifts up the fallen (Psalm 145:14). He executes judgment for the oppressed. He gives food to the hungry. He sets the prisoners free. He gives sight to the blind. He lifts those who are bowed down. He preserves the aliens. He sustains the fatherless and the widows. He frustrates the way of the wicked (Psalm 146:7-9).
I must urge you therefore at the beginning of 2025 to refuse to give in to your circumstances and die. Despite all the horrors, choose to live through them! It often seems insufferable but please to know God always has a plan and a way! The devil may have a plot to destroy you with his lies, but God indeed has a plan to prosper, advance, and elevate you. Live through it and prosper! Refuse to give in and die! Do like Jacob live through it and see the miraculous! Live through it!
Leroy V. Greenaway
Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region
January 4th, 2025