LUKE 2:20
The coming of Jesus into our sin-cursed environs has always been great cause for celebration. In fact, when the angel first announced His birth to the shepherds, he was careful to point out that he brought “… good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people” (Luke 2:10). We must never forget that this gospel that we are enjoined to incessantly proclaim is “good tidings of great joy.” It promotes and promulgates joy. It dispels darkness. It cancels sadness and sorrow. It abolishes death and brings life and immortality to light. It rejoices the heart. It stimulates worship.
We, His church remain so grateful that He chose to come. He remembered His holy covenant and chose to come to tabernacle with us not just for a time and season but forever! According to the insightful Zacharias, father of the forerunner of Jesus, He came, “To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet in the way of peace” (Luke 1: 79).
This Christmas may we celebrate His birth like the angels and shepherds. Concerning the angels, Luke informs his readers “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of heavenly host praising God…” (2:13). In reference to the shepherds, Luke says “And the shepherds returned glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen” (2:20). Here the key words are glorifying and praising God. What an honor afforded us!å God having done His part, we joyfully respond in praise, worship, and adoration to Him in condescending to our lowly estate to redeem and sanctify us.
Today, it is time to return to the sanctifying and hallowing of Advent by recentering our focus on genuinely worshipping the Christ who in mercy came to restore us back into fellowship with Him. Truthfully, we can become so busy preparing for Christmas that we unconsciously forget to include Him in our celebrations. We unceremoniously forget the true meaning and essence of Christmas. Unfortunately, this happens every year. We make room and time for everything else but Him. We allow the world and its noisy, misguided misinterpretations to mislead and influence us. May the good Lord help us. I trust and pray that this year will be decisively different!
Let us deliberately remember that Christmas is more than ever a Christian feast or celebration which unequivocally commemorates the birth of our precious Lord and Savior. It must be about Jesus! Everything else must be secondary and can even be de-emphasized and in some cases omitted altogether. With renewed, missionary zeal we reverently celebrate the coming of the Messiah among us – Emmanuel – God with us. To Him we raise our anthem of praise! We humbly choose to praise and glorify Him.
Sister Chris and I wish you the best Christmas ever as you purposefully worship Christ in all His glory! May 2025 may be a most prosperous and fulfilling year for you! Even more blessings!
Leroy V. Greenaway
Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region
December 21st 2024