• on October 12, 2024


JOHN 1:6

There is a difference between the man/woman sent from God and the man/woman sent by their own volition or desire. There are those who are specifically sent by God and those who just picked up and went. With those sent by God, their walk is different, their talk is different, their approach and style are different. Those sent by God, truly desire to please God in their preaching and lifestyle, in the pulpit and outside the pulpit. For them, it is never about money or what they can get or how much they can materially accumulate and achieve. It really is about God and the greater glory of God always. They deeply care about the things of God and the people of God. It is easy to tell that they are on a mission – a mission not to promote themselves but they are always mindful of the fact that they are on a mission to advance the cause of Christ and the growth of the Kingdom of God. May those of us who are in ministry always seek to verify that we are indeed sent by God and that we constantly have His approval. Desperately needed in the Church of God today are men and woman who are called by God, sent by Him and who have His divine approval. Sanctioned by the Almighty!


John the Baptizer, was indeed such a man. He was most unusual, unconventional and a non-conformist. He challenged the status-quo and was not afraid to confront even the authorities on the corruption of the righteous ways of God. He bravely preached in season and out of season. He could not be bribed or silenced. He preached with such power and authority that people came from far and wide just to hear his proclamation of divine truth. He never adjusted the Word to accommodate his hearers and to gain favor and popularity with them. May that same desire characterize our ministries today – to please the One who called and sent us. We must not say what we believe they want to hear, but what His unchangeable Word says. People need to hear the pure, undiluted Word of God, to be saved.


John the gospel writer states it plainly “There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. He was not that Light but was sent to bear witness of that Light. That was the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world” (John 1:6-9). Sometimes we still get it twisted and confused. We forget that we are not the Light. Sometimes we want to act as though we are the Light, but this can never work. We sadly attempt to draw attention to ourselves, when we should always be pointing humanity to Christ! That is our only mission! Our supreme mission remains to point and bring people continually to Christ.


May the Almighty Savior help us to get it right again. This is absolutely about Jesus and not at all about us. We are light-bearers, light-reflectors, candles of the Lord. We are more than ever witnesses, sent to bear witness of the Light. I find that remarkably inspirational. Our simple task is to bear witness of the One, with whom we keep falling in love over and over. I cannot emphasize and elaborate on this enough. John so insightfully said “He must increase, but I must decrease…” (John 3:30). May this be our constant prayer and desire.


When asked about his identity, John simply replied, “I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord as said the prophet Esaias” (John 1:23). Today we seek to claim every title, honor, fame, and rank imaginable! John never introduced himself as Prophet John or Rabbi John or Apostle John! He simply referred to himself as “the voice” of one crying in the wilderness. He kept it simple, and he kept it real. It was difficult to tempt John away from his mission and his calling. He knew who he was and what he was sent to do. Please may God help us not to become sidetracked and derailed at this late stage. Let us stay focused! Let us remember who we are and what we were sent to do – Sent by God to bear witness of the Light.


Leroy V. Greenaway

Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region 

October 12th 2024

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