• on October 5, 2024


Just wanted to remind our pastors, and all involved in ministry of any kind here in the Northeast Region that they are greatly loved and appreciated! There it is, in case you forgot or ever forget, the saints here in the Northeast Region love you and want to put you on blast one more time! We sincerely appreciate all you do for us on a continual basis.


Sometimes we just don’t say it enough! I know we are always on your mind, in your thoughts and in your prayers and every week you express a love letter, by way of an especially prepared sermon, just for us! Please know that for this we are grateful. You take time out to listen to God and like Moses of old, you transcribe that message from the heart of the Good Shepherd to our minds and hearts!


So very few people know what you go through, to hear from God and then to come feed our souls Sunday after Sunday. You constantly travail and agonize to meet with God and then to meet with us faithfully and regularly. For this tedious labor of love, please to know that the body of Christ here in the Northeast is genuinely and eternally grateful.


When we are sick, or our loved ones are sick, you graciously come with healing balm in terms of a comforting word and the healing presence of Jesus. You calmly anoint us with oil, speaking the most uplifting words of healing over us. Just the fact of you coming by really lifts and cheers out spirits and we wanted you to know that we do not take that or you for granted. Thank you for making time for us and always checking on us and coming to see about us. As your spiritual children and sheep under your protective care we say again, thank you for generously giving of your time and gifts!


Your work is so intense – the ministry of oversight! Sometimes you neglect to take care of your own selves and your family to watch over us and to make sure that you are not neglecting to do God’s will where His sheep are concerned. Thank you for putting yourselves on hold many times to take care of us and our families and to be faithful to your charge. Pastor/Preacher, we collectively, individually say, thank you today, for every sacrifice and labor of love!


For every blessing you have spoken over us, for every prayer you have prayed over us – for every spoken word with which you have encouraged us – for every word of comfort – for every kind and humane gesture – for every word of advice – for every act of charity – for every time you helped pick us up and set us back on our feet – We thank You! Thank you for standing in Christ’s stead reminding us constantly that we are called unto greatness. You continually pour into us and our children and for this we are grateful!


Pastors and sainted leaders, your labors are not in vain in the Lord. You point us always to Jesus, and we love you the more for that. In the end, He will eternally reward you with a crown of life that fades not away (1 Peters 5:4).


Love & Appreciation

Leroy and Chris Greenaway

Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region 

October 5th 2024

1 Comment

  1. Amen and thank you

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