Bishop, Dr. Leroy Greenaway
Presiding Bishop, Northeast Region, USA & Bermuda
MARK 6:31
It was Jesus who commanded His fatigued disciples to come apart and rest for a while. He had sent them earlier on in the chapter, on an intense, demanding mission of preaching, healing, and casting out of demons. Mark informs “And he called unto him the twelve, and began to send them forth by two and two, and gave them power over unclean spirits” (6:7). He further reports that they were fully compliant with the instructions given. He states “And they went out and preached that men should repent. And they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them” (12,13).
This was no easy feat they were sent to undertake. It was more than intense. It was spiritually, mentally, and physically taxing. Fulfilling the great commission is no easy task, if it is done well. It calls for the greatest commitment and explosive energy. It could be strenuously exhausting.
Can you imagine casting out many devils in one day and healing multitudes. Keep in mind demons never want to leave voluntarily. They always protest and put up strong resistance. Also, whenever people are healed you could visualize the crowds as word gets out that the sick were being instantaneously healed. Jesus had sent them forth and they went out and as a result, amazing miracles attended their ministries. Today, we set up camp and expect people to come and sometimes it works and sometimes not, but the commission to go forth has never been retracted or rescinded. They obediently went out and had the most successful campaigns ever.
Yet, we must note the importance of striking a balance as we immerse ourselves in the execution of the vital tasks of carrying out the Master’s sacred commissioning. The disciples returned all excited, telling the Master all the things that they had done and what they had taught. However, as the Master must have listened with great intrigue and rapt attention, He also wisely issued to them another command that would greatly enhance and ensure their successful continuance in ministry and survivability. He wisely said to them “. . . Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while . . . (31). He said this to them because Mark enlightened us “For there were many coming and going and they had no leisure so much as to eat” (31).
Jesus insisted then that they should take a break. Come apart into a solitary place! Rest a while! It cannot be overstated – to survive it is imperative that we sometimes step away to reset, recoup, and reflect. Overdoing to the point of exhaustion and to the neglect of our own health and well-being is neither wise nor helpful. What an honor it is to serve God’s people but if our own health is broken and compromised it undoubtedly lessens our effectiveness and service. When extremely exhausted we lose focus and sometimes it results in us doing much but accomplishing very little. To remain effective and relevant, we, the disciples of Jesus must learn to do as He says “… Find a quiet place and rest a while” (v.31). Take a Break! This is a divine mandate! Maybe that’s all you need at this point! Take a Break!
Leroy V. Greenaway
Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region
February 22nd, 2025